Braces for Adults
Why Braces Are Worth It for Adults
Many adults wonder whether braces are really worth it. The answer is a resounding “yes,” for a few reasons. First, braces can greatly enhance your appearance long term. This means that you’ll feel better about yourself, have more confidence, and be more successful in attracting others with your new smile.
Braces are also worth it for adults because they can help you avoid the problems associated with crooked teeth, including TMJ disorders, chronic headaches, jaw pain, and periodontal disease.
Types of Braces
You can choose from several types of braces, including traditional metal braces, ceramic (tooth-colored) braces, lingual (behind-the-teeth) braces, and clear aligners. Dr. Feldman can help you choose the right option for your situation and needs.
Time Spent in Office
Most adults wear braces for 12 to 24 months, but it does vary by situation. You can generally expect to have check-ups every four to eight weeks while you’re wearing braces, but these visits are very quick and easy. During these visits, Dr. Feldman can make quick adjustments if needed and can monitor your progress. Overall, braces won’t take much time out of your busy schedule.
Flossing and Cleaning Your Braces
You’ll need to brush after every meal, taking care to get all food particles out of the brackets and wires. Dr. Feldman may recommend a special type of flosser that makes it easier to floss around wires, as well.
What Not to Eat With Braces
Avoid anything super hard, crunchy, chewy or sticky. These types of foods can pull brackets or wires loose. Don’t chew gum, crunch on popcorn kernels or eat ice.
Cost of Braces
The Feldman Orthodontics team understands that money matters, so we will try to help you find an option that’s right for your budget. The exact cost of braces varies according to type, how long you wear them, and other factors specific to you. We also offer finance plans to help you afford braces.